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Note that this Microsoft Imagine website is managed by KIVUTO and not School of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic. However, all help requests are automatically channelled to the Program Administrator at School of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic.

Before contacting the Program Administrator at School of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic, please make sure you have consulted the ONLINE Help at URL:

 Commonly reported problems:

Q: The software installer doesn't allow me to install the software.
A: Please view the requirements of the software that you are trying to install. Make sure your PC hardware and Operating system meets the stated requirements.

Q: Can I request for additional product keys?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot provide additional product keys.

Q: I have used the PRODUCT SEARCH function but I cannot find the software that I need. How?
A: Software availability is determined by Microsoft. We are not able to change the software availability.

Q: I do not have the password OR I have forgotten the password. How?
A: At the LOGIN screen, please click on the hyperlink "Forget your password?"

Q: A banner displays "This WebStore is currently a demo site or is in test mode. All orders placed will be test orders and no product keys will be delivered."
A: The official response from the KIVUTO support personnel is listed below. Please perform the step as advised by them and login again.

"If you are still getting the message saying you are viewing a demo site, please clear your browser cache or try using google chrome or firefox. The webstore is not a demo site."