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This support is only for the School of Computing Microsoft Imagine Premium.

If you are a student and cannot login using your current Microsoft Imagine Premium ID (in the form of <NUSNETID>, please try logging in using your new Microsoft Imagine Premium ID (in the form of <NUSNETID>

The following categories of users should have access to the School of Computing Microsoft Imagine Premium:

1. Staff and students of SoC

2. Non-SoC staff but teaching an SoC module during the current semester

3. Non-SoC student but taking an SoC module during the current semester

If you fall within the above 3 categories but do not have access to School of Computing Microsoft Imagine Premium, please send an email to with your Name, NUSNET ID and module code that you are taking/teaching. 

If you require support for the NUS Microsoft Imagine Standard, it is at