Getting Your Download Information (SDX file) FAQ

What is the .SDX file?

The .SDX file is a small file that contains all of the download information for your order. Without it, the Secure Download Manager (SDM) cannot download your software. Save the .SDX file to the same computer where you installed the SDM.

Where can I find the .SDX file on my computer?

By default, the .SDX file is named after your order number. This means that the filename for the .SDX will be in the format of 100000000091.sdx with your order number replacing the 12 digits. Once you have saved the file to your computer, you can change the filename.

If you did not rename the .SDX file, you can find it by searching for your order number.

You can always repeat step 3 to Download the .SDX file for your order again.

How do I get my download information?

Once you have downloaded and installed the SDM (Step 1 and 2), begin getting your download information by clicking the Download SDX button (Step 3). Depending on your browser, the SDM window may open when the .SDX has completed downloading or you may have to locate the .SDX file before you can download your software (Step 4).

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